I’m going to throw this out into the blog-o-sphere anyway because it is driving me crazy.
It has recently come to my attention that my son is an evil dictator. He thinks he is the master of the house and I don’t think that is very cool.
For instance, I was eating dinner last night and he told me to get out of my chair. For those of you that have never been to my house, my kitchen table has seating for six people and I was sitting in one chair. The evil dictator wanted me to abandon my dinner and relinquish my chair to him just because. I ignored him and let him scream.
He seems to have this idea that Mommy is his meat puppet or his third arm.
I was appalled to realize that my kid is uber-spoiled, but I was even more appalled to learn that evidently every friend, family member, and church acquaintance that we have has mentioned to my husband that our kid manipulates Mom. I’m not really feeling warm and fuzzy about this situation at all.
I’ve started laying the smackdown, but I’m worried that my neighbors might start calling the cops because my kid has a nuclear meltdown every time I defy him.
Any tips for making the transition of power a little less painful for the folks within a one mile radius of our house?