I was never one of those teenagers that “oohed” and “aahed” over every baby that bounced by, but I knew as soon as I laid eyes on my husband that I wanted to have his child. We were married for seven years before we were ready to conceive, and I spent much of that time in anxious anticipation and preparation for our little bundle of joy.
I read pregnancy books. I read childbirth books. I read childcare books. I shopped kids’ resale events and garage sales to stock up on gender-neutral baby clothes, strollers, toys, sippy cups, and nursery décor. I took my vitamins, exercised regularly, and lost weight in preparation for pregnancy. I did all of these things before Baby was even conceived.
Once I was pregnant, I spent most of my time learning more about childbirth, interviewing daycare providers, finding a pediatrician, hiring a doula, decorating the nursery, washing baby clothes, and attending classes. Mommy and Daddy studied the Bradley Method and practiced relaxation techniques.
All this preparation for just one day of my life for just one little person.
One day that would change my life forever.
Imagine how Christ felt on Good Friday. How did he feel as he prepared for just one day that would change the eternal fate of all of mankind? How did he prepare himself to make the ultimate sacrifice of pain, suffering and death for us?
This holiday season, I consider the discomfort I was willing to endure for the health of my child out of indescribable love for him, and I realize that the love Jesus felt for you and me must be even more indescribable for him to endure the pain and suffering that brought us eternal life.
Happy Easter.
What a beautiful posting!
I most certainly relate to the suffering and sacrafice made for our children. Before and during my pregnancy I never cared as about my health as I did then.
I wanted to be sure that I was providing the best of the best for her.
Have a blessed Easter.
What a powerful message, Dawn! Thank you for this awesome reminder that God loves us even more than we can love our own child(ren).
Have a blessed Easter!
PS. My mom is flying in tonight - I'm SO excited!
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