My bloggy friend is correct in her assumption that I don’t really look like my profile photo everyday. That photo was a professional portrait that was taken on the exact date that I had my hair makeover. In my defense, I also had a facial at the salon that day and didn’t have time to go home and put on any makeup before our family portrait appointment. So maybe that’s not my everyday hair, but that is my everyday face!
Per Lynnette’s request, I will eventually share some photos of the everyday Baby Addict.
It’s not likely to happen in the very near future simply because I avoid the side of the camera that takes pictures. I love to aim and shoot but I don’t really like to pose.
But I promise that you will be the first folks to see my new photos next time I let someone take a picture of me.
Just don’t hold your breath that it will happen anytime soon!
P.S. in my defense, this is what happened last time I let my husband touch the camera: