David: (pointing to my scalp) “Mommy, keep it on.”
Mommy: “Keep what on?”
David: “Hair.”
Mommy: “Keep my hair on?”
David: “Yeah!”
Daddy: “Is he poking fun at my receding hairline?”
Mommy: “David, are you a dude?”
David: “No. I cool dude!”
Mommy: “David, if you take your motorcycle to school, you have to share it with Josh.”
David: “No.”
Mommy: “Then leave your motorcycle in the car.”
David: “No.”
Mommy: “Then you better be ready to share it with Josh.”
David: “No. Josh go car.”
To sum it all up, I’m getting Rogaine for Women for Mother’s Day and if I don’t want to share it with a friend, I should just leave my friend in the car. Of course, that’s what a cool dude would do.
Love it Dawn! Keep your hair on - too funny! And the comments will just get better (or worse depending how you look at it) with time.
Love it! We're starting to have some fun conversations too! I love this age. Well, I've loved every age so far!
Obviously it all makes perfect sense, mom! Ahh,the thoughts of a little one can be very interesting.
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