Dear Santa,
I’ve been very good this year. Since you can’t compare my behavior to that of years past this Christmas because it is my first of many, I’m asking you to trust me that I’ve been behaving as well as can be expected. I have fulfilled my potential to be a jolly, loving baby. I listen most of the time or just when I feel like it and all the stars are in proper alignment.
For my first Christmas:
I would like my own box of Kleenex because Mommy and Daddy always take the box away from me before I find the bottom.
Please bring me a ball pit filled with balls of all shapes and sizes. I have lots of balls, but most of them are lost under the couch.
Can you bring me a new credit card? I love the fake cards Mommy and Daddy get in the mail, and I have a used gasoline gift card and an old hotel key card, but I’d like to expand my collection. Mommy and Daddy look so happy when I ignore my expensive toys in favor of free toys.
Can I have a walker? Mommy thinks they are dangerous, but I know I could really get around much faster if I had one.
I need a roll of tissue paper that they use to cover the exam table at the doctor’s office. I love to play with it, but the doctor always tries to look in my ears while I’m playing and I really hate that. 
I’ve been very good this year. Since you can’t compare my behavior to that of years past this Christmas because it is my first of many, I’m asking you to trust me that I’ve been behaving as well as can be expected. I have fulfilled my potential to be a jolly, loving baby. I listen most of the time or just when I feel like it and all the stars are in proper alignment.
For my first Christmas:
I would like my own box of Kleenex because Mommy and Daddy always take the box away from me before I find the bottom.

I also need an alarm clock. Once in awhile, I forget to wake up for my 2:30am feeding and I don’t want Mommy to worry about me.


1 comment:
That is the cutest list ever! Very creative baby you have there!
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