For years, we’ve been deprived of the Christmas cookie tradition because Bonus Daughters bake cookies every year with their mother and bestow upon us a 10 pound tray of unnecessary calories every holiday. It just doesn’t make sense to bake more cookies, so I’ve never had the pleasure of baking during the holiday season during my married life. I can’t say that I’ve mourned the loss of this tradition since I’d rather cook than bake, but I don’t want Baby to be deprived of this happy Christmas memory.
Since Bonus Daughters have taken care of the cookie baking for me, I decided to start a new tradition with Baby this year. We are going to bake Birthday cupcakes. On Christmas morning, we will put a birthday candle in each cupcake and sing the Happy Birthday song for Jesus.
Birthday cake and cupcakes are a tradition that a young child can easily relate to and understand. Eating cupcakes for breakfast is definitely a treat and something a young child would look forward to in anticipation. It’s also more fun than choking down stale cornflakes before you are allowed to open any gifts, but that’s a disturbing memory from my childhood that I’m working through in therapy.
I’m hoping this new family tradition will help Baby understand the Reason for the Season and remind us all that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior.
That’s What Works for Me!

I’d love to hear your suggestions for making our family holidays memorable!
I love that idea. Thanks.
We did that last year with "muffin cupcakes" for Christmas breakfast. Our boys loved it and has really helped cement for them that the REAL point of this is Baby Jesus' birthday. Thanks for the smile at the happy memory this morning.
Good luck with it & happy holidays!
I might have to steal that one! My daughter loves to help back even at 2.5 so she would certainly get a thrill out of it. Thanks for sharing!
What a neat idea!
great idea- I've been loving baking cupcakes lately from my The Cupcake Doctor cookbook!
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That is definitely a cute treat--very clever.
Hey there,
Came over here from Monica's blog about digital scrapbooking. Can you tell me how you were able to upload files from scrapblog to snapfish for calendars?
Beth in GA
We have baked a Christmas tree birthday cake for Jesus since my son's 2nd Christmas. He is now 9. It has been a great tradition!
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