I had no doubt in my mind that she went on to be successful in life and I thought she might be happy to learn that I’ve been surprisingly successful, too. I was looking forward to meeting her for coffee. Then, I learned that she recently moved far away.
Initially, I felt bad for postponing my contact with her for so long. Maybe if I had reached out sooner, we could have reunited.
Despite the move, she did answer my email. But I could sense that she was a little hesitant.
Remembering the other kids we went to high school with, I shared many details of my current life to reassure her that I wasn’t like them. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t be eager to meet for coffee. Who doesn’t need another Mocha?
Then I had a huge realization.
I AM that kid from high school that you wouldn’t want to reconnect with. I AM that kid from high school that I wouldn’t even want to talk to again.
I’m that kid that cut class and started smoking when I was 14 years old. I’m that kid that talked back to teachers and wore the tightest, smallest shirt I could find. (usually belonging to my toddler sister). I’m that kid that came home drunk and I’m that kid that would run down the street while my mother pelted me with insults and obscenities. I’m that kid that couldn’t have friends over because I never knew when my mom’s mental illness would take over and she would have an embarrassing or violent outburst. I’m that kid that got kicked out of the house when I was 15 years old. I’m that kid that barely graduated high school.
It’s a very sobering insight to look at my self that way, but it reminds me of the mistakes I’ve made and how much I have achieved. I truly believe that we all have trials and life experiences for a reason. Maybe my reason is so I can understand and help my own adolescent bonus daughters. Or maybe the reason is so I can relate to my Teenage Sunday School class. Or maybe the reason is so I can truly appreciate God’s grace and his forgiveness.
What a great post Dawn. You have come full circle and now are using your gifts that you were given. Good for you. To me that is inspiring.
Awesome post, Dawn! Thankfully, we are all capable of change. You are no longer that kid.
I don't keep in touch with anyone from HS, just a few from college, and a few more from grad school. So many who were "friends" back then, were friends for a season. It's okay to let go and move on and have grown up friendships. Who really wants a lot of friends that remind them of the (ahem) stupid things they used to do?
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