That’s exactly what happened to me today. I’m at work, minding my own business, trying to look busy when I’m really not, when Eric tagged me for this meme.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t mind a meme and certainly not on a day when I’m trying to kill some time at work anyway. My only complaint about this meme is that it requires me to take a photo of myself RIGHT NOW and post it online.
How cruel is that, folks?
So, here’s my glamorous photo.

In the interest of sharing the joy of the season, I’m tagging these folks as well.
Heather at Not A DIY Life
Lynette at Day In The Life Of Ordinary
Brandy at Peanut Butter and Jelly
You look great... btw you must have a high res. camera phone! LOL! jk
Done! I had never seen this one before.
Merry Christmas!
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