At least, that was my rationalization until I realized that my resolution could involve shopping.
I’m sure you’ve realized by now that I’m a working mom. I work because I have to, not because I want to. I loathe that fact that my darling angel spends hours a day in a daycare center. I will never forget the first time I left him there. He was only 8 weeks old and he was asleep when I dropped him off. I bawled during my entire drive to work because I was convinced that my precious baby would wake up in a strange new place with strange people and flip out. I was hysterical.
Since then, I have come to realize that there are many benefits of David attending daycare. He has been blessed with caregivers that adore him and he is clearly the Teacher’s Pet. He gets more attention than any other child and he has many close friends. His social skills are excellent and he has plenty of opportunities to play with other children and learn. Despite the fact that I would love to spend every waking minute with him, I know he is safe and happy during the day.
So, since I have to work, I’ve decided to make the most of it. I’ve been going to school, taking one class at a time, to finish my degree. I’m gaining valuable work experience in my field and I’m networking.
The next step on my career path is to dress professionally. I work in a business dress/ business casual office. That means, the executives wear suits and the secretaries wear slacks and sweaters. When it comes to clothing, I am both cheap and lazy. I cringe at the thought of spending $30 on one pair of shoes and I can’t buy anything that isn’t on sale. I also can’t force myself to wear a suit knowing that I will just be sitting in my tiny cubicle all day. I love to be comfortable.
My New Years Resolution is to dress for the job I want, not for the job I have.
I’ve cleaned out my closet and I’ve been wearing suits all week. Luckily for me, I’ve lost some weight (although not enough), so my darling Hubby gave me the green light to spend some money. I bought an entire wardrobe on Ebay. I can’t wait to get the box!
Here are my faves:

Those outfits are not only professional but HOT! I am like you as well, and have a very hard time buying clothes if they're not on sale. I also have a hard time receiving gifts of clothing from, say my MIL, and finding out how much she spent. I then start to think of all the ways I would have spent that $100 instead of the sweater I was given. How bad is that?!?!
I love to shop, but being on a budget makes it hard; eBay is fantastic!!! The suits are great; I think suits/professional clothing make anyone look spectacular and they do not have to be uncomfortable... yours look wonderful.
I have to admit, this isn't what I expected in a a new year's "resolution!" But it's great! Dressing for the job you want is so important! And the suits look awesome. You'll have to model and take pics to share so we can see them.
Have a blessed weekend!
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