I usually blog from work because it feels rewarding to get paid for my hobbies. My personal time is too valuable to waste by surfing the internet after working hours and blogging offers a welcome reprieve from the monotony of my job.
Seriously, if my boss is reading this, I blog during my lunch break and my job is the most exciting position I could possibly hope to have. Really, I love it.
Anyway, I’m breaking my silence today because we got an unexpected letter in the mail this week. There was no return address on the envelope, which made me break out in a cold sweat because that is usually a reliable indication that the envelope contains hate mail from the ex-wife. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a letter from Hubby’s boss’s wife.
Shari is an all-around awesome lady and now I admire her even more. She is walking in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day in Cleveland beginning on August 22. She’ll be walking 60 miles in three days to raise money for breast cancer research. She is motivated by the early death of her mother-in-law and by her own history of abnormal mammograms.
Is there someone in your life that has been touched by cancer? A mother, sister, or friend? Maybe you are survivor. Or maybe you don’t know anyone that has battled cancer…yet.
Please consider making a small donation for breast cancer research to help Shari reach her goal. Even if you only donate one dollar, that dollar may help save your life or the life of someone you love someday.
Go check out Shari’s blog and cheer her on!
1 comment:
What a wonderful cause! Hope your makeover stuff is going great!
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