I’m meeting with a personal trainer today to review my workout routine. I was instructed to bring two, form-fitting gym outfits so the camera crew can record a few segments while I stumble through some exercise moves. The form-fitting gym clothes are important because the television audience needs to know just how chubby I am BEFORE the makeover begins.
First of all, do I look like a girl that owns a gym outfit? If I did own a gym outfit, do you really think it would be form-fitting? My current gym outfit consists of a pair of navy blue lounge pants that I pilfered from the Queen of Sheba’s closet because they haven’t been trendy enough for her to wear since she was in fourth grade. Those sexy pants are topped off by my very favorite Old Navy tee that was ruined by bleach spots a couple years back, but it is just too soft to part with. The girls hang out in a sports bra that makes them look like the clearance rack in a muffin bakery. The bra doesn’t exactly fit, but I haven’t had time to shop for anything else. I like to finish this ensemble with the traditional purple scrunchie, which is the only scrunchie that Skywalker hasn’t stolen, I mean, borrowed from me and never returned.
Secondly, how long will it take to review my workout routine? I started going to the YMCA last December and committed to working out on the treadmill three times a week. I’d run one mile on weeknights and two miles on weekends. That was a perfect arrangement until Hubby and Little King David got sick for about a week, then the gym got crowded, then I started feeling guilty about spending so much time away from home when I have a baby that already spends too much time away from me in daycare.
In my defense, I recently committed to walking one mile everyday during my lunchbreak at work. My goal is to walk 60 miles.
Luckily for me, this makeover will be the kick in the butt that I need to finally lose some of this baby weight. I’d hate to be the girl that appears on television six weeks later and actually GAINED weight. That would just be shameful.
Wish me luck! I’ll try not to look too goofy!
How do they expect a breastfeeding momma to have a decent work out bra? Maybe you'll score a whole new work out ensemble out of this!
At least they won't make you wear spandex shorts with a sports bra and stand on an enormous scale like they do on the show The Biggest Loser. Now that would be mortifying! Good luck with the personal trainer - and the workout clothes!
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